Through the "Fire" of Life: More Geocaching!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

More Geocaching!

These girls are great nieces of Sheila, Angelia on the left and Jessica on the right. While out Geocaching, they wanted their photo taken at the fountain in Frost Park - so voila'. I just happened to get this photo taken before my battery zonked out - but I did get some more using dad's camera. By the way, there are now many new caches hidden in the immediate area which makes for a fun day searching. We managed to fing the little micro-cache hidden at Frost Park. Although a rather cold day, Sheila and I took them to Tim Horton's for hot chocolate. When it gets warmer, this activity will be all the more enjoyable!
Here's another photo taken behind our old house in Dayton where I have my own cache hidden for others to find.
Big hockey game tonight - Habs Vs. Leafs for a playoff spot - final regular season game for both teams. Game time now - so must go watch!


At 12:37 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

Nice pictures-- that sounds like a fun activity--- will you put a link to your "business" page so I can get to it easier?? Will be ordering some of the cleaners-- good idea!!

At 1:31 PM, Blogger Fireguy said...

Yes - it is fun - you guys wanna join us sometime?
I've added the link to my business site on my list of links - thanks for the nudge, should have though of that myself. You are hereby hired as my business adviser...hehe.


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