Through the "Fire" of Life: Will the Oilers do It?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Will the Oilers do It?

Well, the Edmonton Oilers have a chance to advance tonight against the San Jose Sharks. They are the only Canadian team remaining in the playoffs. Hard to believe that cities that could not care less about hockey even have teams in the NHL. Let's face it. Places like Tampa Bay, Annaheim, San Jose, Phoenix (a desert for crying out loud), Los Angeles, Sunrise (Florida), and the list could go on. Hockey is our game. Bring the Cup to a country that has an unquenchable passion for the game! Go Edmonton Go!

On another note, I heard on the radio today that the deadline for filing your census form has been extended a bit. I also heard that the penalty for not filing is $500 or 3 months in jail...yikes! It can be done on-line, but you need an access number which is shown on the paper form. It is very easy to do on-line. I filled in two forms for senior citizen friends of mine. Any questions, go to

Have a nice day.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

I'm seriously considering the 3 months in jail !!! Three meals a day, no cooking, no telemarketers, no stress, but I would miss the blogs too much and summer is approaching, the season of Big Brother.

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

The score is one to nothing for the not over yet..keep your fingers crossed. And I agree..I think Halifax should have an NHL team, and more St. John's...There's a lot of ice in St. John's.
Yikes, I didn't know there was a fine or jail time...I better do that census tomorrow. God!!!!!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

I see you have your links up- would you put a link to Chris's website. thanks

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

The Oilers won...Yippee!


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