Through the "Fire" of Life: Row Row Row Your Boat!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Row Row Row Your Boat!

These are some pictures I took at the Dory races in July as part of Seafest activities. I just downloaded them to my computer tonight. My telephoto lens was used for these, so no cropping was necessary, and very little editing if any was needed. My new monitor sure helps with the editing, as my old monitor was a much darker so I would tend to overbrighten the pictures without realizing it. This ladies team won their division, and are shown receiving their prize.
The two guys in the zodiac are firefighters providing a measure of safety for participants.
One team requested a tow, but were not in any trouble. Just a little tired, I guess.

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At 5:05 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

I recoginize the face of a Dares !! Looks like they were all having fun, and the firefighters were really laid back--- nice piccys-- hey, why did you go to word verification, were you getting spammed??? and why is there a wheelchair next to the text bar-- only for handicapped??

At 1:53 AM, Blogger Gillian said...

Hi J-

Any chance you'd have some pictures of the winning Mixed team?? (hehehe, my team?) I wanted to email them to the lady from Penn State that I recruited at the last minute to help make a team... Let me know! (Especially pictures of the actual race, ie. out on the water)

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

The firefighters looked like they were having a nice relaxing day. Very good pictures though..

At 11:09 PM, Blogger kicking-and-singing said...

that looks too relaxing
By the way, you've been tagged


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