Through the "Fire" of Life: Hibernation

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Today "Daisy" Sea-Doo goes into hibernation for the winter. She will be staying in a co-worker's barn for the winter out of the weather. Winterization is complete so I go out this morning to Tusket Motor Sports to get her.
"Windfall" will be performing at a benefit at the Yarmouth Legion on November 17th, 2006. Hope to see some of you there.
The NHL season is underway and my beloved Canadiens are off to a decent start. Watching the games makes the winter more enjoyable.
Heating systems are kicking in no doubt. My stove is going this morning as I type.
I have a Sea-Doo to tend to, so will head out. Take care folks!


At 6:36 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

I like that whole hibernation idea--- eat,eat,eat,,,then sleep, sleep, sleep, and wake up in the spring skinny!!!! Yep, it's starting to feel like fall, but I love this time of year, with the leaves changing colours and the cool crisp air--
Is the dance open to non-memebers--- if so, can we go as your guests? We'd really like to hear you guys, and I know Wayne's mom ! Thanks for letting us know--- love

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Fireguy said...

Yes - all are welcome - should be fun.

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Funnyface said...

I'll try and convince Dan to go. I would love to here you guys.

Take care Cheryl

At 10:11 PM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Ahh, Poor Daisy....I hope she doesn't get lonely. Yes, winter is coming..and the for the first time in a couple of years, we have to worry a heating bill. I have a digital thermostat, and I have been experimenting with comfortable levels. I've got it set for 70 now. I think you guys will find it cold here when you come to visit...especially sleeping on the floor...hahahahahahahaha!
I just threw that in for fun.'s nice and cozy here it must be warm outside.
Talk to you, Marsh

At 5:10 PM, Blogger NanNan said...

It seems you've gone into blog hibernation too !!!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

Hmm...a tad snarky remark from Nannan...Please read my abject apology!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Funnyface said...

I agree with Nanna. Hope your alright!!!!


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