Through the "Fire" of Life: Time for bed!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Time for bed!

This is how I feel - time to go to bed! I keep telling myself to get to bed at a half decent time, but it seems that instead of doing so, I end up at the front of the computer. So tonight, I am not going to blog - I will not blog the night away. What you are reading is not a blog, it is a statement of intention to go to bed, get some sleep and not blog. So blogging is out for the night - I have shown remarkable restraint in not succumbing to the lure of the clacking keys and silly "famblogs".

I stayed up late last night and suffered the indignity and disapointment of watching the Edmonton Oilers lose. So I really should be going to bed to catch up on my sleep. That is why I am not blogging tonight - I promise.

Aren't you glad I did not blog tonight? Goodnight.
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At 8:21 AM, Blogger mikki said...

I admire your restraint - I don't know if I would have been able to resist the lure of blogging the way you did :o) I won't try to fool myself into believing I can quit any time I want to...

So... are you gonna blog today? *tee hee*

At 9:39 AM, Blogger NanNan said...

I'm so disappointed you didn't blog today- I stayed up so late to wait for your blog, and nothing, therefore, I am not going to comment- so there!!!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Tuffysmom said...

I'm not commenting either...but I really didn't blog yesterday...I let Jim have the computer all day for a change. Glad you didn't blog either...hehehehe.


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